El expresidente estadounidense Donald Trump (2017-2021) afirmó este jueves que «es necesario curar la división de la sociedad» y tras aceptar su nominación como candidato republicano a la Casa Blanca aseguró que será el mandatario de todos los estadounidenses, y no solo de los de su partido.
Fue su primera intervención pública desde haber sido víctima de un intento de asesinato el sábado durante un mitin en Butler (Pensilvania) y sus palabras coronaron la Convención Nacional Republicana, que el lunes había confirmado su nominación electoral y la de su «número dos», el senador por Ohio J.D. Vance.
Trump se presentó ante los suyos precedido de vítores y aplausos y dijo llegar con un «mensaje de confianza, fuerza y esperanza»: «Me presento a presidente para todo Estados Unidos, no para la mitad, porque no hay victoria ganando solo la mitad», afirmó.
ÚLTIMA HORA | Donald Trump acepta oficialmente la nominación republicana a la presidencia de EEUU.
En poco más de cuatro meses, tras las elecciones del 5 de noviembre, los republicanos lograrán «una victoria increíble y comenzarán los cuatro años más grandes de la historia del país», apuntó al inicio de su intervención.
Empezará, en su opinión, una nueva etapa «de seguridad, prosperidad y libertad para los ciudadanos de todas las razas, religiones, colores y credos. (…) Como estadounidenses estamos unidos por un destino único y compartido», apuntó.
El tono de su discurso fue más pausado, suave y contenido de lo habitual, como también el silencio de quienes le escuchaban el relato de su atentado del sábado, del que el exmandatario señaló que no se pronunciará más porque es «demasiado doloroso» para él. EFE
Milwaukee (United States), 18/07/2024.- Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump prepares to speak during the last day of the Republican National Convention (RNC) at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 18 July 2024. The convention comes just a few days after a 20-year-old Pennsylvania man attempted to assassinate former President and current Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The RNC is being held 15 to 18 July 2024 and is where delegates from the Republican Party select their nominees for president and vice president in the 2024 US presidential election. (Estados Unidos) EFE/EPA/JIM LO SCALZOMilwaukee (United States), 19/07/2024.- Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump accepts his party’s nomination on the fourth day of the Republican National Convention (RNC) at Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 18 July 2024. The convention comes days after a 20-year-old Pennsylvania man attempted to assassinate former president and current Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The 2024 Republican National Convention is being held 15 to 18 July 2024 in which delegates of the United States’ Republican Party select the party’s nominees for president and vice president in the 2024 United States presidential election. (Estados Unidos) EFE/EPA/JUSTIN LANEMilwaukee (United States), 18/07/2024.- Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald J. Trump arrives to deliver remarks during the final day of the Republican National Convention (RNC) at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 18 July 2024. The convention comes just a few days after a 20-year-old Pennsylvania man attempted to assassinate former President and current Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The RNC is being held 15 to 18 July 2024 and is where delegates from the Republican Party select their nominees for president and vice president in the 2024 US presidential election. (Estados Unidos) EFE/EPA/SHAWN THEWMilwaukee (United States), 18/07/2024.- Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald J. Trump arrives to deliver remarks during the final day of the Republican National Convention (RNC) at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 18 July 2024. The convention comes just a few days after a 20-year-old Pennsylvania man attempted to assassinate former President and current Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The RNC is being held 15 to 18 July 2024 and is where delegates from the Republican Party select their nominees for president and vice president in the 2024 US presidential election. (Estados Unidos) EFE/EPA/SHAWN THEWMilwaukee (United States), 19/07/2024.- Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump accepts his party’s nomination on the fourth day of the Republican National Convention (RNC) at Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 18 July 2024. The convention comes days after a 20-year-old Pennsylvania man attempted to assassinate former president and current Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The 2024 Republican National Convention is being held 15 to 18 July 2024 in which delegates of the United States’ Republican Party select the party’s nominees for president and vice president in the 2024 United States presidential election. (Estados Unidos) EFE/EPA/JUSTIN LANEMilwaukee (United States), 18/07/2024.- Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump prepares to speak during the last day of the Republican National Convention (RNC) at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 18 July 2024. The convention comes just a few days after a 20-year-old Pennsylvania man attempted to assassinate former President and current Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The RNC is being held 15 to 18 July 2024 and is where delegates from the Republican Party select their nominees for president and vice president in the 2024 US presidential election. (Estados Unidos) EFE/EPA/JIM LO SCALZOMilwaukee (United States), 18/07/2024.- Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump prepares to speak during the last day of the Republican National Convention (RNC) at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 18 July 2024. The convention comes just a few days after a 20-year-old Pennsylvania man attempted to assassinate former President and current Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The RNC is being held 15 to 18 July 2024 and is where delegates from the Republican Party select their nominees for president and vice president in the 2024 US presidential election. (Estados Unidos) EFE/EPA/JIM LO SCALZOMilwaukee (United States), 18/07/2024.- Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump prepares to speak during the last day of the Republican National Convention (RNC) at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 18 July 2024. The convention comes just a few days after a 20-year-old Pennsylvania man attempted to assassinate former President and current Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The RNC is being held 15 to 18 July 2024 and is where delegates from the Republican Party select their nominees for president and vice president in the 2024 US presidential election. (Estados Unidos) EFE/EPA/JIM LO SCALZO
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